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Número Anuncio: 12483036
Anunciante: KingAsterisk
Fecha: 19-04-2024
Categoría:  Informática > Ordenadores
Do you offer hosted vicidial to your customers? Are you looking to upgrade the hosted Vicidial solution With a new design & look? Do you want to upgrade your hosted dialer solution, we can customize your vicidial with a new design as per your need, and you can use the same on hosted solution. You will have your own source code! By changing the simple Dialer according to your customer''s desire, you can fulfill not only his need but also his dream desires. We can fully customize a vicidial with your logo, reports, and Custom GUI and also provide a source code. Custom-made: We don''t simply give a standard solution; we tailor Vicidial to match your brand character. Your logo and brand tones will be coordinated into the interface. It makes an expert and durable experience for your clients. Insightful Reporting: Gain valuable insights into your operations with reporting features. Track performance metrics, analyze call data, and optimize strategies based on real-time feedback. Unequaled Adaptability: Gain full control with admittance to the source code. Change and improve your Vicidial platform easily to adjust to your advancing business needs. We provide fully customized dialer software on the client server. We can modify the dialer as per our client requirements like functionality, reports & custom GUI. We are not dealing in VoIP routes, DID, servers, or any hardware, and also do not provide any rent base dialer. We provide free setup, installation, and configuration of VICIDIAL on clients'' servers. Ready to explore the possibilities? Contact us today to discuss your customized hosted Vicidial solution. Contact us via : WhatsApp: +1 (202) 249-5906, Skype: king.asterisk or kingdialer call us at +91 968 773 3355 to discuss your specific Hosted Vicidial development needs. Visit our website at https://kingasterisk.com https://dialerking.com or email us at king@kingasterisk.com for more information.

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