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Número Anuncio: 7782705
Anunciante: No registrado
Fecha: 30-06-2013
Categoría:  Hogar > Electrodomésticos > Cocina/Horno/Micr.
Specifications THERMOMIX TM31 + TRANSPARENT VAROMA THE NEWEST VERSION WITH TRANSPARENT VAROMA + ORIGINAL TRANSPORT BAG COMPLETELLY NEW , BOXED , NEVER USED , ALL THE ACCESORIES INCLUDED EXTRA + ORIGINAL TRANSPORT BAG INCLUDE Manufactured by Vorwerk, Thermomix is the product of more than 40 years of German design and innovation, with 21 patents over its unique design and technology. Accessories (included) - Internal steaming basket/juice strainer/colander - Spatula - Butterfly whisk - New transparent Varoma unit with Varoma steamer, Varoma tray and lid Blade direction Blade direction - forward or reverse direction mode can be chosen instantly at the touch of a button. Excellent for delicate ingredients (e.g. risotto) and for self-cleaning. Reverse mode occurs once per six kneading phases as a set part of the kneading function. 2 YEARS WARRANTY Minimum Order : 10 Units Discount 25% + Free Shipping First Order 50 Units Dimensions and weight of Thermomix without Varoma steaming basket Height 30cm (11.8 inches) Width 28.5cm (11.25 inches) Depth 28.5cm (11.25 inches) Weight 6.3kg (13.9 lbs) Bowl capacity 2.5 litres (2 litres maximum for blending) Dimensions weight and volume of Varoma Length 38.5cm (15.2 inches) Width 27.5 cm (10.8 inches) Depth 10 cm (4 inches) Weight 1135 g (2.5 lbs ) Volume 3 litres Contact Email: thermomixdistributor@hotmail.com

Specifications  THERMOMIX TM31 + TRANSPARENT  - Imagen 1 Specifications  THERMOMIX TM31 + TRANSPARENT  - Imagen 2

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