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Número Anuncio: 12477642
Anunciante: No registrado
Fecha: 04-02-2024
Categoría:  Servicios Profesionales > Medicina
online xanax for sale at very good price Alprazolam is used to treat anxiety disorders and panic disorder (sudden, unexpected attacks of extreme fear and worry about these attacks). Alprazolam is in a class of medications called benzodiazepines. It works by decreasing abnormal excitement in the brai Formula: C17H13ClN4 CAS ID: 28981-97-7 Molar mass: 308.765 g/mol ChEMBL Id: 661 ChemSpider ID: 2034 Boiling point: 509 °C IUPHAR ID: 7111 we ship and deliver in spain,italy,germany,austria,Switzerland and all countries with europe Once your order is placed there is no reason why you would not get it. But if for some reason package get lost or seized (In our 20 years online business our package almost never got seized by the police or custom . We have over 98% success on package deliveries) we will do full-reship of product if we feel you are not lying to us or refund you back your money . only for serious customer,please if you are not serious in buying our product do not contact us (whatsapp +447477623435 or email us at globalpharmgroup@gmail.com

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